
Giving back to help those in desperate need makes a massive difference – by November 2014 4myschools had made enough donations for a well to be built in a remote area of Ethiopia. WellWishers an Australian charity 4myschools have been making donations to has enabled schools and teachers in Essex to provide lifesaving water to more than 1.2 million people by simply using 4myschools as a supply teacher agency of choice.

For people in the remote areas of Ethiopia education is a distant dream without access to water first. Whilst 4myschools is all about supporting teaching and learning we also know how desperate the situation is for many people without the basic essentials and we are pleased to be helping to change this.

Through continued donations we have been able to make access to education a reality for many people in remote areas of Ethiopia and will do more of this as part of our continuing programme of giving back. We don’t know how many we’ve been able to help into education but that is not the point – “Any act of kindness however small is never wasted”.

Taking the essentials for granted is easy to do when one has them – without them every moment is a struggle – children that survive this daily struggle grow up gathering the basic essential and have little time to turn their thoughts to the wonders of a rounded education.

Does it make a difference

4myschools do not pretend to take the high ground on this challenge which we know we can’t possible fix, but as a business we care and feel that by encouraging schools and teachers to use a business that gives back does make a real difference even if its woefully small compared to the size of the problem.

Every time a supply teacher registers with 4myschools or a schools uses the supply teacher recruitment service we are able to pay teachers well and charge the school fairly and for every day worked give a donation that makes a difference with lifesaving water.

Our giving back extends to a programme of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers in Essex, Herts, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk and is open to all supply teachers and teaching assistants. We feel by supporting teaching and learning we are helping teachers to improve the outcomes for pupils in local schools. We are always looking for more good teachers to work with 4myschools and would love to hear ideas for further CPD events.