Covid-19 Supply Teacher and Learning Support Staff Guidance

We know that some of you are feeling anxious about the possible consequences of the Covid-19 virus and your work within schools.

It is important that you access information only through reliable and credible sources, 4myschools will only use government advice published on the link below.

Click here for educational settings guidance

Click here to order free lateral flow tests 

Schools Re-opening

On 17 May the country moved on to step 3 of the Government’s roadmap and further restrictions were lifted.

For teachers and students, this means there will be some changes in the classroom.

Here are the full details of what these changes mean  and a summary for teachers below.

Early Years

Are nursery staff still expected to get tested? 

Nursery staff remain eligible for regular asymptomatic testing as part of education testing programme and are receiving lateral flow device kits for twice weekly testing at home.

Primary Schools

What’s changed? 

For primary schools, it is still strongly recommended that staff and adult visitors wear face coverings in situations where things like social distancing cannot be maintained. For students, other changes include indoor and outdoor sports as well as domestic school trips for educational purposes now being allowed.

What about PE and sport? 

From Step 3, students of all ages are allowed to access indoor and outdoor sport and physical activity. All indoor sports facilities should follow the Covid safety guidance outlined specifically for grassroots sport, gym and leisure facilities.

Schools should also make sure that pupils are kept in consistent groups, sports equipment thoroughly cleaned between each use by different individual groups. Indoor and outdoor competition between different schools can also take place.

Are school trips allowed? 

Yes. For primary and secondary schools, as well as sixth form colleges, domestic residential educational visits (e.g. school trips) must be conducted in line with all our relevant COVID-19 guidance, with groups (bubbles) maintained during these visits.

DFE strongly recommend schools do not go on any international visits this academic year, and we’ll continue to review this as we approach September.

Secondary Schools and Sixth Form Colleges

Will pupils still need to wear face coverings in the classroom?

No. Pupils will no longer be required to wear face coverings in the classroom or communal areas in schools and colleges. Please note some schools and colleges are choosing to continue wearing  face coverings in certain areas so always have one with you.

The reintroduction of face coverings for pupils, students or staff may be advised for a temporary period in response to localised outbreaks, including variants of concern.

Will I need to wear a face covering travelling to and from school?

People aged 11 and over must still wear a face covering on public transport, and in accordance with advice from Public Health England (PHE), they must also wear a face covering when travelling on dedicated transport to secondary school or college (unless exempt)

Are school trips allowed?

Yes. Domestic trips are now allowed. Any trip must be conducted in line with relevant COVID-19 guidance and regulations in place at that time. DfE also suggest that schools should keep children within their consistent groups (bubbles) for the purpose of the visit.

Registering with 4myschools

If you are due to register with us we are currently using video technology to complete the vetting process and will meet with you face to face at a later date.

In the case of a school closure where a school experiences an outbreak we will contact you if you are booked on an assignment with them.

Covid-19 Supply Teacher and Learning Support Staff FAQ’s

Am I able to order Lateral flow test to use at home before a booking?

Yes, anyone working in a school environment can order free lateral flow tests or collect them from their local hub.

Do I need to engage with Test and Trace if I order a lateral flow test?

The idea is that you complete the test and report the finding through the Test and Trace App

Do I need to inform 4myschools if I have a positive test?

Yes, you must inform 4myschools if you have a positive lateral flow test, we will then inform the school(s) you have worked in. Please make yourself unavailable for work for the specified time given from PHE on your Updatedge App

Do I need to inform 4myschools if I have a negative test result?

No, you do not need to inform 4myschools, however if you are involved in regular testing with a school you may need to use their link provided and the Test and Trace facility.

Should I take a face mask or visor to every school including Primary Schools?

Yes, it is advisable to have a mask even in primary schools as you may be required to wear it in certain areas in large schools.

Should I take a mask or visor to Secondary Schools?

Currently secondary school staff are wearing face masks unless social distancing is maintained, or you are exempt. Some secondary schools are providing PPE, however this differs from school to school.

Do I need to take my own hand sanitiser to a school?

Schools are providing plenty of hand cleaning facilities however we would recommend you always have your own hand sanitiser. 

Will I be provided with PPE?

Most supply staff are taking their own face masks or visors and hand gel  with them to school and we are told there are plenty of spares if needed. Schools have worked very hard to make their environments safe for students and school staff.  

Preventing spread of infection
There are general principles everyone should follow to help prevent the spread of the virus including:

• Wash your hands often – with soap and water or use hand sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available. We recommend that you wash your hands:
o Before leaving home
o On arrival at a school
o After using the toilet
o After breaks and sporting activities
o Before eating any food, including snacks
o Before leaving a school
• Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin.
• Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
• Staying at home if you feel unwell
• Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoiding close contact with people who are unwell
• Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
• Calling NHS 111 if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a friend or relative. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment

Please use current social distancing advise wherever possible.

Please note:
If you have been advised to self-isolate or believe that you may have been exposed to the virus please inform 4myschools immediately (we will then manage any follow up communication with schools, if applicable)

Covid-19 Stay at Home Guidance

All our teachers and support staff should continue to work in schools (unless advised not to by public health officials)