
4myschools Free Online Teacher and Support Staff CPD

4myschools provide fully funded Teacher an support staff CPD to all candidates looking for jobs in schools

Upon registration with 4myschools our Primary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD platform will become available to you for free.

This training is used by schools across the UK so you can be sure it is the best out there.

There are over 20 items in the library including the most current:

Alcohol Awareness Training for Teachers & Staff

The course provides you with information regarding good practice on how school staff should address the issues of alcohol education and alcohol-related incidents with students.

Approximately 30 minutes to complete

Anti-radicalisation & ‘Prevent’ – Awareness Training for Schools

This course will help you understand what radicalisation and extremism are and how you might identify whether a child is at risk.

Approximately 30 minutes to complete

Bullying Awareness Training for Teachers & Staff

Covers good practice on how school staff should address the issues of bullying.

Approximately 20-30 minutes to complete

Cover Supervisor in Schools

This course is aimed at anyone who is looking to take on the role of Cover Supervisor in schools.

Approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Drugs Awareness and County Lines for School Staff

The training provides you with information regarding good practice on drug education and drugs-related incidents with students.

Approximately 20-25 minutes to complete.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for Teachers

The course will provide information on what we mean by EDI and its relevance to education.

E-safety – Annual Training for Teachers & Staff

This training covers key aspects of online safety for those working in schools.

Approximately 30 minutes to complete

Exam Invigilation Training

This course is aimed at anyone who is going to be invigilating exams in schools , built in alignment with the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)

Approximately 30 minutes to complete

First Aid – Basic Life Support for Schools

The aim of this training is to provide you with essential basic life saving skills, so you feel confident in dealing with a medical emergency in your school working environment.

First Aid – Common Illnesses and Injuries in Schools

This training provides you with an understanding of common illnesses and injuries, so you feel confident in dealing with a medical situation in your school working environment.

Food Hygiene Training for Teachers & Staff

Designed for anyone new to food safety and is ideal for use in schools.

Health & Safety – School Essentials

Provides you with the essential knowledge you need to understand why health and safety is important in your school.

Health & Safety – School Hazards Awareness

Providing you with the essential knowledge to recognise the significant health and safety hazards in your workplace.

Introduction to Abuse for Teachers and Staff

An introduction to, and understanding of, abuse relating to children in the context of educational settings.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

This training is based on the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), compulsory for those working in schools.

Safeguarding – An Introduction for Teachers and Staff

An introduction to safeguarding in an educational setting

Social Media for Teachers and Staff

Gain an understanding of social media and it’s use by schools and staff and learn about safeguarding issues for children and young people involving social media.

Student Mental Well-being Training for Teachers & Staff

The course provides you with information regarding good practice on how schools should address the situation of pupils with mental health issues.

UK GDPR & Data Protection – Training for Schools

GDPR & Data Protection training to raise awareness of the new data protection laws within the context of an educational setting.

The Primary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD assignments are available to use freely for all our candidates.

The assignments have been professionally written by experts in their field and are designed to save you time and money and is part of our ongoing support of teachers and support staff.

4myschools CPD loyalty Scheme

4myschools continue to run our CPD loyalty scheme for, schools  teachers, instructors, LSA, HLTA’s and cover supervisors, in fact anyone who works with us. The courses include SEN, managing behaviours that challenge and many more.


 Oak National Academy 

Oak National Academy free resources and CPD will help support the effectiveness of supply teachers  and those wanting to return to the classroom.

Oak National Academy has over 40,000 free and easy to access lessons and resources for 4-16 year old pupils across a wide range of subjects. All of the lessons have been created by teachers for teachers and cover just about everything a supply teacher might be asked to cover. Oak’s own data shows that over 40% of teachers already use Oak National Academy to support them with cover lessons. We hope that these resources will be able to make a contribution in situations including where:

A supply teacher wants to cover lessons but may be worried about the additional time required to plan and resource lessons from scratch.

A supply teacher might be confident in their subject but worried about covering lessons beyond their subject specialism.

A supply teacher might feel ‘rusty’ and want support particularly during those first few lessons.

For more information and to sign up please click here

Free Primary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD



Past Supply Teacher and Support Staff CPD Events

Primary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD

Confident Curriculum

Best Behaviour

Wise Wellbeing

4MySkills – Confident Curriculum – Lauren Meadows
The curriculum sessions focussed on two core aspects:

1. What do you need to know about current educational thinking?
2. What does that look like on a practical level in the classroom?

These sessions addressed basic subject principles of Phonics, mathematics, Reading, Writing and GPS. Teachers were armed with practical strategies for teaching core subjects and had some fun whilst doing so!

4MySkills – Best Behaviour –  Colin Tapscott
Suitable for both primary and secondary staff

When a teacher is off and the supply teacher is called in, there are a lot of emotions going on inside a child’s head. How safe will the cover teacher make me feel? Will the routine be the same? Will they be friendly? And then there are your emotions as the supply teacher. How safe will the children make me feel? Will they be friendly? You will have many behaviour management techniques, but this session aimed to
1. Help teachers understand ‘chimp emotions’, manage yours and have some hope of positively influencing their emotions.
2. Develop confident assertiveness in you as a teacher.
3. How to approach challenging behaviour to de-escalate it
4. Key things to be aware of when dealing with some specific behavioural issues

4MySanity – Wise Wellbeing – Colin Tapscott

This session aimed to look at
• What causes stress?
• How can you manage it?
• What practical steps can you take to reduce stress and manage wellbeing as a supply teacher

The courses were delivered by education experts Colin Tapscott and Lauren Meadows from www.everydayleader.co.uk

Colin Tapscott – Director of Everyday Leader4myschools Primary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD

Colin started life as the son of a farmhand, but with over 28 years’ experience as a teacher and the last 17 of those as a headteacher, he knows a lot about teaching children, managing conflict and managing yourself. Running large schools in areas with children with challenging behaviours, has given Colin insight on how to manage yourself whilst managing children. Colin is now the Director of Everyday Leader, running training that inspires confidence to lead yourself in situations that you face. Colin’s training involves blending rich theory with engaging hands on activities. Learning should be enjoyable. His current work in schools, involves school advisory work, including specialist provision and pupil referral units, and training in managing conflict and leading the curriculum. Colin is also a trained coach.

Lauren Meadows – Associate Educational Advisor & TrainerPrimary and Secondary Supply Teacher CPD

Having spent many years working in schools, Lauren now works to support teachers and schools in a variety of capacities. Her expertise around curriculum and assessment forge the bedrock of her work advising MATs, educational think-tanks and other national organisations, including leading English provision for PiXL Primary who represent over 830 schools nationwide. She is the Director of Greenfields Education Ltd and believes wholeheartedly in the power of teachers to shape the lives of young people.

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