4myschools Crown Commercial Services

Supply Teachers and Temporary Staffing (STaTS)  Framework supplier Lot1 and Lot 4

4myschools have been selected by Crown Commercial Services to provide supply teacher and temporary staffing services

Scope of the Framework

Lot 1

Lot 1 for the “Direct provision of Supply Teachers, Education Support Staff and other
temporary staffing services”

Lot 4

Lot 4 for “Education Technology platform provision of Supply Teachers, Education Support Staff and other temporary staffing services..”



The framework is for all temporary and fixed term teaching and non-teaching roles within the public sector to schools, colleges and other educational establishments.

4myschools are able to provide supply teacher services in the East of England under the framework as normal across the counties of Cambs, Essex, Herts, Norfolk and Suffolk as we have been for many successful years.

4myschools are providing services under Lot 1 of the Framework which is the provision of Supply Teachers, Unqualified Teacher, Education Support Staff and other temporary staffing services.

All nice and easy for schools to call off from the Framework as they effectively did in the past.

Benefits of the Supply Teacher Framework for Schools

The Department for Education requested Crown Commercial Services to establish a supply teacher framework to benefit schools and supply teachers. The framework focused on a number of aspects, key to these was the quality of screening and safeguarding performed by agencies.

To be on the framework agencies need to demonstrate that they have been certified by a recognised recruitment standards bodies such as the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and APSCO.  4myschools have been compliant with the Department for Educations safeguarding standards since we started.

Agencies also needed to comply with the Cyber Security Standards to reduce the risk of personal data being compromised.

Prices and Agencies Margin

There has been a lot of noise about the extent to which agencies have been perceived to be taking advantage of schools and teachers; the framework in part addresses this issue where all agencies were required to bid detailing their best margin and these margins were assessed against a national margin average.

Agencies outside the range of the margin average were unsuccessful.  Schools have the ability to select agencies based on their distance from the school and margin charged. Margin under the framework is purely based on the gross pay to the supply teachers.  Schools are able to select agencies via the “Agency Selection Tool”.  4myschools has always paid teachers fairly and we will continue to do this.

The framework opens up the opportunity for schools to pay teachers less and reduce the margin agencies charge via the framework. 4myschools and the schools we work with reject the notion of reducing teachers pay. 4myschools feel good teachers should be paid well to retain them in education and by providing an excellent service to schools and teachers we feel children and everybody benefits.

Agency Selection Tool

To get a copy of the “Agency Selection Tool” schools should contact supplyteachers@crowncommercial.gov.uk

Key benefits of using the framework are:

  • Transparent charges detailing: The Supply Teachers gross pay, National Insurance, Pension Contribution, Holiday Pay, Agency Margin, Total Charge
  • Background screening and safeguarding conducted to DfE standards
  • All suppliers are audited and accredited to show they have the best practice standards in education recruitment
  • Free transfer to perm (“temp-to-perm”) after 12 weeks in post, subject to 4 weeks’ notice
  • Consistent Terms and Conditions
  • Agencies are required to provide monthly Management Information to CCS to ensure full compliance with terms further protecting schools and teachers

Documents required from Schools to use the Framework

There are plenty of documents associated with the framework many of which schools do not need to use. The key ones are shown on the Crown Services web site (they are being updated so these may change..(as at 3 Sept 2018)).

Documents we consider to be relevant to schools are these and can be download from this page too:

** This appears to be the only actual form required to instigate the call off from agencies – sign this and send it just once to your consultant and then your school can use the framework  


We are looking forward to working with schools via the framework – whilst there are a number of documents associated with the framework the intention is clear and we will continue to work with schools and teachers to deliver the best service we can.  Please let us know if you are unsure about any aspect of the framework and we will do our very best.

We are looking for more good teachers – if you are using the framework and want us to supply services to you please encourage your preferred teachers to contact us.