
Mental health resources for teachers


Mental health resources for teachers and schools are vitally important and are being provided by many charities, organisations including the Department for Education. The latest Education Hub blog details what is being done to help schools and teachers promote and support the mental health of children and young people. The blog contains valuable free mental health resources so that teachers and school staff can help children and young people get the advice and help they need.

Teachers help to develop children’s awareness of mental health

Children are still developing and learning to understand their physical bodies, which is why it is critical that we get them to understand what goes on in their minds as well. School is where a child or young adult will spend most of their time, therefore they play a crucial part in supporting and promoting positive mental health in their students. Positive mental health can contribute tremendously to a child’s achievements, development, self esteem and can improve their quality of life when they grow into adulthood. Therefore, providing your students with support whenever they need it, creating and encouraging a positive self-image for them and always being open to listen to them is essential.


Sources provided by The Health Foundation found that in 2021, one in six children aged between 6-16 had a probable mental health condition, an increase from one in nine in 2017. Half of all mental health conditions that are diagnosed start by the age of only 14.

Some of us at one point in our lives may have suffered with a mental health condition and felt as though we weren’t provided with enough support as an adult. What if we could be the adults that provide OUR children with the support they need now?


How can schools and teachers help to improve children’s mental health?


There are over 10,000 schools and colleges that have now claimed a grant to train a senior mental health lead. The senior mental health lead will work across the school to help implement and expand their approach to mental health and wellbeing within schools. Schools and colleges are encouraged to claim a grant now and book training this academic year.


Since September 2020, the RSHE or PSHE curriculum also has a huge focus on mental health and wellbeing within children and young adults. Pupils are taught how to recognise the symptoms and aspects of mental health concerns, which includes identifying mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety in both them and their peers. All students are taught how and where to seek support should they need it, both in and out of school.

The Education Hub have put together resources that teachers and support staff can use within their lessons to further develop their students’ knowledge on mental health and wellbeing.

If you are struggling to recognise the signs that your students are battling with their mental health, there are also many charities and recognised bodies that can provide you with support and resources to help better understand the indications.

Recognised charities helping teachers with mental health resources 

Place2Be are leading this years #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2023, and you can find out more about how you can contribute and spread the word about children’s mental health this year on their website: About – Children’s Mental Health Week (childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk)

There are also services available to those who need immediate help on the NHS Website. These include charities such as;

Samaritans, supports schools and educators, college communities and other youth settings across the UK and Republic of Ireland through postvention services, lesson plans and school talks.

SHOUT is a free, confidential, 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope. To start a conversation, text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258. Our trained volunteers are here to listen at any time of day or night, and messages won’t appear on your phone bill.

Papyrus PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.

Children and young people’s mental health services (CYPMHS) information for children and young people – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


DfE fourth annual State of the Nation report

Department for Education have published their fourth annual State of the Nation report, which focuses on trends in mental health and wellbeing in academic year 2021/22, as well as children and young people’s views about society and the future.

It’s designed to help the people working with children understand the bigger picture when it comes to children’s wellbeing.


What does the state of the nation report say about children’s wellbeing and mental health?

The report presents a mixed picture regarding the current state of children and young people’s wellbeing and related experiences, including mental health.

Some measures indicate recovery to pre-pandemic levels. These include happiness, life satisfaction, feeling life is worthwhile, and participation in extra-curricular activities and physical activities.

However, some measures, such as levels of likely mental disorder for school age children, have remained elevated but stable, while other measures, including anxiousness for older young people, have worsened.

Details in the report collate and analyses published evidence about the wellbeing of children and young people over the academic year September 2021 to July 2022, including:

  • statistics on the personal wellbeing of children and young people in England and the UK
  • indicators on their:
    • mental and physical health
    • education and skills
    • relationships
    • activities and time use
    • views on the self, society and future

Written by Jasmine Purcell

The original version of this article was originally published in GOV.org 

For more information check out our teacher wellbeing and behaviour management blog or get in touch with us.