Department for Education
The schools white paper plans to give every child the support they need. From targeted support in English and Maths to ensuring every child has an excellent teacher. I question whether this is enough and what about those who don’t have enough parental support or the right peer groups to help them succeed?
Department for Education
Every child should have access to a great education system, no matter their background, removing unfair boundaries.
We all want to promote equality and encourage inclusion for all children however this is easily said but often hard to achieve.
Department for Education
Thousands of pre-school children will benefit from improved language, numeracy and personal, social and emotional skills, thanks to a programme of high-quality training and professional development support for early years staff.
Department for Education
Results days are happening earlier this year to give more time for students to prepare for their next steps. They’re also all happening in the same week and not a week apart as they have been in previous years.